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Versity: the last AMA of the metaverse in 2022

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Matthieu Ladiray, CDO and Alexandre Berche, CMO are back for the last AMA of the year forthe Versity project! On the agenda as always, answers to the latest questions from the community.


Concretely, can we have an update on what has been done/developed on the project since the 1st ICO. Where is the team in terms of technical progress? 

Since the 1st ICO, all the work on the NFTs, we have in particular our automatic generator that is created for the NFTs Explorer. We made sure to offer NFTs that will be scalable in terms of data, we are just finalizing a visual that we are not yet comfortable with and then we will be able to share it soon. 

As a reminder, there will be 3 subcategories for Explorer NFTs and 2 for Premium NFTs, you can find more details about this here.

Concerning the most Premium NFTs which are 36 in number, we are also working on a more specific design which should also be released during January.

On the 3D modeling side, you have seen the modeling of the Avenue Jean médecin as well as our offices in Nice. This video can be downloaded on a computer, but our goal is always to democratize our Versity metaverse to as many people as possible, so we are currently working out details so that anyone can access it from a browser, without having to download any software as this could be a hindrance. 

Also note that we have a specific schedule of work and we are moving forward on the marketplace that will be available during the 1st quarter of 2023 (more precise date to come). 

Also, we are continuing to recruit in developers and 3D to expand our teams internally to best support the development of the project.

We have the round 3 of the ICO that you can still join here and that will be closed at the end of January.

Also, we will go at the beginning of January to CES, the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to exchange on the topics of web3 and make a presentation of Versity.


And with regard to the level of legislation for the project, PSAN or not?

We had already answered this at the last AMA, the Versity project will not be PSAN as it is not a requirement due to the fact that we do not have the vocation to hold digital token assets or NFTs from our own customers. Moreover, it is also a very long process and that is why we prefer to focus our efforts on the development of the real estate metaverse project.


How do you see the launch of SITY and the speculation that will ensue?

We will never be able to totally fight speculation but we can control it.

Contrary to many ICO investors, a good part of the community has planned to use its tokens to buy PARSELL NFTs.

The 1st thing to manage is the duration between the mint and the opening of the marketplace, which should not be too spread out in time. The use of SITY which will be the key to the operation of Versity be as early as possible, that is to say that there should not be too big a latency period too long between the mint, the opening of Versity and the use of SITY.

The 2nd thing is that we have in our whitepaper of staking systems that help limit this desire to sell.

Finally, we also have large investors who had participated in the pre-sale and will really follow the project and invest to not sell the SITY. 

A number of elements that suggest that there will be a small amount of speculation in the existing supply to limit a division of the SITY after listing.

Also in the soon to be released land economy paper, many mechanisms have been created and detailed for a true circular economy to take hold in Versity for SITY to gain value.

Also the token mint will be after the ICO which will be closed before the marketplace launch, and not on December 31 to ensure the success of the project at best. 


The generation of NFTs and the design of those (I'm not talking about the contest)?

Yes, we are on the finalization of the first Premium NFTs and in the process of designing the automated Explorer NFTs. 


The management of PARSELLs and NFTs will be in which form? Is everything thought out? Will the Land economy paper also be able to come out in its "full" version?

This is a very broad question but one that the Land economy paper should answer just It should come out in January in a "light" version and more complete a little later because we are on a stress test period to provide you with a document that is really as accurate as possible.


We will be able to scan streets if I understood correctly to integrate them into our PARSELL, is that what you did for the 3D video? If so can anyone do that and what exactly did you work on? Did you just scan the street to make the 3D video?

You can find this interview with Matthieu Ladiray, CDO Versity who explains the steps of 3d modeling in detail right here. 



Why don't you do regular articles to detail the advances,  it would avoid 2h AMAs.

The AMAs never last 2 hours and we do them regularly to precisely explain the progress and answer different questions about the project and be able to answer possible questions live.

There are regular articles published on the Versity blog on many topics, including project details.

You can also follow us on all our networks where we regularly post project news: 

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To check out all of our AMA recaps, right here!