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Versity info letter Mai


Hello everyone,

Here's our May update on the progress of the Versity project.

New listing

We have listed our Sity token on a new exchange: Coinsate.
The choice of this exchange was a natural one, as it came to us with very favorable conditions.
Also, the aim of this new listing is to create more liquidity by multiplying its natural visibility.
At the same time, we'll be launching a communication campaign to promote Sity over the coming weeks, via an agency with which we've just signed an agreement.


We have finalized the terms of the agreement with the European club mentioned in our previous communications. 
We are now in discussion with the sports authorities of the country concerned to validate the project legally.


The agreement with the company specializing in the marketing of new housing is in the process of being signed. The official announcement will be made shortly, in accordance with the rules applicable to a listed company.

At the same time, and in view of the sluggishness of the current real estate market, we have decided to go even further in proving the concept of our ability to market new properties, thanks to the support of Versity and the tokenization of these properties.

We're working on a business plan for a showcase project that would include land purchase, construction, marketing and tokenization of new real estate
2 projects are being studied and discussed with developers (one in France and one abroad).